我的歌单:http://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=17531384 试听地址:Of Monsters And Men - Dirty Paws


Of Monsters And Men - Dirty Paws


Jumping up and down the floor, my head is an animal. And once there was an animal, it had a son that mowed the lawn. The son was an ok guy, he had a pet dragonfly The dragonfly it ran away but it came back with a story to say. Her dirty paws and furry coat, she ran down the forest slope. The forest of talking trees, they used to sing about the birds and the bees. The bees had declared a war, the sky wasn’t big enough for them all. The birds, they got help from below, from Dirty Paws and the creatures of snow. And for a while things were cold, they were scared down in their holes. The forest that once was green was colored black by those killing machines. But she and her furry friends took down the queen bee and her men. And that’s how the story goes, the story of the beast with those four dirty paws.


在地板上上窜下跳 我的脑袋里有一只野兽 从前有一个野兽 他有一个修草坪的儿子 他儿子还算不错 养有一个宠物蜻蜓 蜻蜓飞向远方不知所踪 回来时为大家带来了一个故事 她有一双脏爪子和一件皮衣 她从森林的山坡向下跑 森林里的树会说话 他们以前歌颂森林里的鸟儿和蜜蜂 突然蜜蜂和鸟儿势不两立 因为天空太小容不下对方 鸟儿们得到了地面上的帮助 他们是脏爪子和冰雪生物 过了一会儿所有东西开始变得很冷 他们都被吓到所以躲避到了自己的家里 曾经的绿色的海洋 如今被那些杀戮机器所淹没 脏爪子和她的长毛伙伴们 最终将蜂后和他的士兵还是被打败了 故事就讲到这里 一个四脚野兽们的故事。